The Emigre Magazine Index, part of the Goldstein Museum of Design, was developed as a resource for designers, scholars and fans of Emigre magazine. In addition to visual design, my roles were in project conception, research, information architecture and website production. By meticulously mining the contents of the entire collection, others are allowed to see the impressive breadth of contributions over the publication’s twenty-two year existence. The index is focused on connections between issues, people and the original typefaces used throughout the magazine.
Emigre published sixty-nine issues between 1984 and 2005. Subversive and sophisticated, its founders Rudy VanderLans and Zuzana Licko – together with numerous designers, writers and artists – assisted in elevating typography and graphic design to a serious and respected field of study.
View the archived project interface. Funded through the Joss Graduate Internship.
Read my article about this project in Design and Culture journal. Accepted Manuscript version (PDF)
Barness, J. S. (2016). Designing the Emigre Magazine Index: Theory and Practice in an Alternative Research Tool. Design and Culture, 8(2).
2013. Designing the Emigre Magazine Index at the Goldstein Museum of Design presentation at the Design and the Digital Humanities panel, Midwest Modern Language Association (M/MLA) annual convention. Milwaukee, WI. Panel summary (PDF)
2014. Women of Graphic Design. The Emigre Magazine Index
2012. Emigre. Cataloguing Emigre Magazine.
© Jessica Barness